Blog Posts

"Battery energy storage dispatch on the Belgian electricity market"
February 2022

Part 1: BESS behavior on Belgian balancing market in 2021 as a price taker

Average SOC of BESS responding to imbalance prices on the belgian market (hours of the day vs weeks of the year - 2021)
Average SOC of BESS responding to imbalance prices on the belgian market (hours of the day vs weeks of the year - 2021)

Part 2: BESS behavior on Belgian Day-ahead market in 2021 as a price taker

Average SOC of BESS responding to day-ahead prices on the Belgian market (hours of the day vs weeks of the year - 2021)
Average SOC of BESS responding to day-ahead prices on the Belgian market (hours of the day vs weeks of the year - 2021)

White Paper

"From short-term interventions to medium or long-term changes to the electricity market design after the crisis"
November 2022